domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


The story of Guatavita in fact at the bigining was a legend  but with the time had been modified to much and has changed into a myth.

Altitude: 2600 m.s.l.
Temperature: 12 °C.
Sesquilé in chibcha means hot water.
You can still find sacred items used by the Muisca people there.
Sesquilé have cultural and touristic attractions of the Colonial times,
near is also the Tomine dam and the Guatavita lagoon with his famous legend
Guatavita - Cundinamarca
Altitude: 2688 m.s.l.
Temperature: 14 °C.

Guatavita in chibcha tongue means end of farming or mountain range point.

Guatavita is an architectonic heritage with 17 small squares and the mythical
lovers bridge, which was constructed in 1990 to replace the old one who lies at the

bottom of the Tominé dam. Is located 75 km of Bogota in the way to Tunja.
On the kilometer 35 you have to take the way to Sesquile and Guatavita.

In Guatavita you can find wool products, baskets, cooper, gold and silver items,
 “hamacas” and beautiful handicrafts.

Tominé dam - Cundinamarca
It was constructed over the religious city of the Muiscas, it generates the energy of the sector, there lies his importance.

In Tominé is possible to practice sailing, water ski and takes walks around the dam
Guatavita lagoon - Cundinamarca
Was the sacred lake and the central point for the Muiscas (Chibchas)
ceremonies, the Muiscas adore at that place the CHIE goddess (water goddess) . Guatavita
lagoon is located in the “peñas blancas” mountain near the guatavita
town, was discover by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada in the year 1.537.

The leyend tells that the Guatavita Queen get sick of the continues
orgies of his husband and his addiction to the chicha (liquor made from fermented corn), she
fall in love with a warrior. She was catch with his lover, for this reason
she through herself into the water with his daughter and die.

The sad cacique forgive his unfaithful wife and started a ceremony, during this
ceremony he covers himself in gold and enter to the Guatavita lagoon in a raft and

prayes, then he bad himself in the lagoon, he throws emeralds and gold
with the purpose to ask the queen who lies at the bottom of the lagoon to pray to the
goods for prosperity for his people.

From there comes the famous Dorado legend.

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